Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saya Kembali!!!


Rindu rasanya tak melepaskan perasaan kat sini... Bukan tak sudi dah. Tapi tak berkesempatan. Hari ni walaupun kerje berlambak2, tp still nak lepaskan rasa hati kat sini... Rindu lah katakan.. Huk! Banyak bende nak dilepaskan sebenarnya. Tp xde idea sbb terlalu byk kerja. Pea nak letak lirik lagu yg menjadi lagu kegemaran 'seseorang'. Bukan apa. Sebenarnya nak ingatkan diri tuk tuka lirik lagu ni kepada Bahasa. Sape2 yang baik hati meh la tolong yea. ;')

Lirik lagu pertama:-

~Danger of Love by Loudness~

You live the life
Of a stranger
You try to hide
From yourself
But now you're
Living in danger
Of loving
Somebody else

In the broken
Silence of your cries
You make it easy to see
You're a prisoner
Lost in your disguise
And that's why
You'll always be ...

Stranger in danger ... lookout
In danger of love
Stranger in danger ... lookout
In danger of love

Nobody knows
You're in trouble
That's why you
Came to this place
And this masquerade
Is just your way
Of hiding tears
On your face

Before you
Let it go too far
You've got to
Tear down the wall
And the mask I see
Is telling me
You ran away from it all ...



  1. Orang asing dalam bahaya... abunai!! err... tu je aku tau.

  2. hahaha.... mana boleh mcm tu... x aci...


Thanks for the comment.